I've been approached by friend and fellow foodie Lazaro Bernal about a guest post for his wonderful blog, Lazaro Cooks. Thank you Lazaro for the the thrill, the honour, and the privilege! How could I possibly refuse?

If you haven't already checked out his blog, please, go take a look. I cannot say  enough about it but I will say this, what Lazaro does is a labour of love and it shows in everything that he posts. I have found reading Lazaro to be an enriching experience. I hope you will too.

Grilled Calamari, Chickpea and Fresh Basil Salad with Chilli Lime Vinaigrette

Please click on the link above to check out my post for today at Lazaro Cooks. I hope you enjoy reading it and thank you once again Lazaro for the honor and the pleasure!