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Showing Tag: "breakfast" (Show all posts)

Guest Post at The Ardent Epicure - Shirred Eggs with Mushrooms

Posted by denise fletcher on Thursday, February 3, 2011, In : Breakfast 

Hello lovely readers and friends! First order of business - A Very Happy Lunar New Year to all my Chinese readers and buddies or as we say around here " Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Bao Na Lai!!! "

I am very, very happy today, to be posting over at The Ardent Epicure, virtual home of one of my lovely bloggie buddies, Alisha. Thank you Alisha for your gracious and lovely invitation; it's an honour and a pleasure!

Please head over to The Ardent Epicure to check out my post by clicking on the link below, ...
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Pear and Prune Strudel with Salted Butter Glaze

Posted by denise fletcher on Monday, November 8, 2010, In : Breakfast 

Prunes really get a bum rap.  Who doesn't associate them with dentition-challenged grandmas and grandpas who can't chew much except pudding and.... stewed prunes? They're also unfortunately stuck with the unglamarous but very true reputation of being an ace laxative. Sorry, needed saying. Last week, out of the blue, I was hit by an inexplicable craving for this dark, sticky, chewy treat. Yes, I said treat.

Forget everything you thought you knew about them and start thinking of them as dri...

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Dark Chocolate and Pumpkin Pancakes....and, Uh, They're Vegan

Posted by denise fletcher on Monday, November 1, 2010, In : Breakfast 

Hubby's incessant calls from work, yes, on a Sunday, took all the pleasure out of a late lie-in, so I decided to get started on breakfast at eight-thirty; sacrilege on a weekend *grrr*  Out came the pumpkin I'd bought about two weeks ago, and had left by its lonesome under the ironing board. Oh, the joys of cramped apartment life; my tiny, three bedroomed kingdom for a proper pantry. The microplane grater fell off its hook and onto the pumpkin, as my baby walked in, all tousled hair and sleep...

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Corn Custard and Drill Wielding Demons

Posted by denise fletcher on Thursday, August 5, 2010, In : Breakfast 

You probably wouldn't think and much less, hope, to read about dental health on a food blog, but, my dental woes  and their impact on my ability to eat normally, have got me thinking about how important my teeth are to me as a food writer and blogger. Oh yeah!!

When you're as long in the tooth as I am, a simple extraction is seldom the answer to everything, so my troubles won't end until my root canal job is finally done with. I don't like dentists and probably never will. The dental surgeon...

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Breakfast of Slashers

Posted by denise fletcher on Thursday, July 22, 2010, In : Breakfast 

I've been trying hard not to start each post with an apology but I have been goofing off lately (sincerest apologies to my bloggie buddies who may be feeling a bit neglected) as I've been er...tied up with projects and stalking serial killers.

KIDDING!! I have been busy though, with my ongoing undertaking and playing crazy catch up watching Dexter season 1 - 4, back to back. I've always been slow to sign up *sigh* Two weeks ago I finally found a little time to watch some TV and what do I see?...
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Home Made Strawberry Pop Tarts - A Guest Post

Posted by denise fletcher on Saturday, July 3, 2010, In : Breakfast 

I am very proud today that my son Joseph has been invited by Lazaro from Lazaro Cooks! to do a guest post. Please do us all the honor of checking out Joseph's post over at Lazaro's virtual kitchen and sharing your thoughts and feedback with  Lazaro, Joseph and myself. We would all love to hear from you, especially Joseph!

I can go on and on about how proud I am that my son appears to be walking in my foot steps but I won't. Please see for yourself.

To Lazaro, thank you so much for this wo...

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Parmesan and Tomato Scrolls

Posted by on Monday, February 15, 2010, In : Morning 

I made these egg free, low cholesterol, lacto-vegetarian, dairy-restricted [ have I got your attention yet? ; ) ] brunch bites for my husband yesterday. We didn't feel like joining the Valentine's Day throng and falling victim to inflated restaurant prices, so, a lazy and langourous day spent almost entirely in bed was how we marked the occassion.

These delicious savoury rolls, filled with grated parmesan and topped with a tomato half, not only make a very tasty and satisfying brunch nibble...

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Chocolate Sultana Breakfast Scones

Posted by on Wednesday, January 20, 2010, In : Morning 

Scones are traditionally eaten at afternoon tea but I've always loved them even more, with coffee, in the morning. Last Saturday, I had these, in bed, way past lunch time, for breakfast, while twittering, with crumbs all over my keyboard, bed and a few unmentionable places.

My husband will soon be returning home for good, after almost 8 years working and living a 5 hour flight away from me. Once he's back, I won't be able to enjoy anything else in bed anymore, except wine and, well, my husb...

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Breakfast Plum Cake

Posted by on Sunday, July 12, 2009, In : Morning 

I woke up this morning still thinking about a friend, and her sour cherry cake. She is you see,a frightful brainiac, but, by her own admission, almost completely out of her element in the kitchen. My blog, so she told me, had induced her into actually using her "cake frame" - her term of endearment for her cake tin, to make the said cherry cake, yesterday, for tea. Brava bella! So here, inspired by her newly gained kitchen gumption (she did it, in minutes, with a spoon, little else and no dir...

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Morning Jam Muffins

Posted by on Wednesday, July 1, 2009, In : Morning 


These muffins are a lazy stir away when you're up late on a weekend morning. If you love greasy, sticky, jam dripping doughnuts (those hip expanding, soul satisfying fiends) but virtuously shun them because your hips are already sorely testing the stitching on your jeans, deny yourself no more. These jammy, but otherwise relatively harmless muffins will satisfy those forbidden cravings without adding to the burden on your already beleaguered jeans; no guarantees though, if you eat more tha...

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Red Fruit Salad

Posted by on Tuesday, June 9, 2009, In : Morning 

Looking at this, through glass, glinting in the sun, you may wonder if you’re about to eat a fruit salad or a heap of crimson and violet jewels. What a sight to wake up to! Wonderfully refreshing and cleansing especially on a weekend morning following a night of alcoholic and other excesses.  If you can’t get red dragon fruit, substitute with red plums, cherries or just double the amount of your favourite of the other fruit.  The smidgeon of alcohol this contains is my brand of “hair of...

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