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December 2, 2011
Hi All! I have been up to my eyeballs these last 5 months, in this, that and the other, BUT, I have not stopped blogging - I've just been doing it somewhere else. Quickies on The Dinner Table has been a lovely introduction to the world of food blogging and a gateway to many wonderful friendships, but I crave a broader culinary scope than the one I have created here. I would like to thank each and every one of you who has read, followed, subscribed, commented, tried out my recipes, bought my book, or extended the hand of friendship through this blog. The best part of the whole process has been interacting with you. Please join me at Singapore Shiok! as I write about the food of my home, Singapore and anything else that interests or inspires me. As I continue to receive positive feedback about Quickies, though I will no longer be updating it, I have decided to leave it as an information and recipe resource for any one who is interested. All text, recipes and photos are my own work, hence I would appreciate if those who wish to use any text, recipes or photos from this site, would contact me for permission at quickiesonthedinnertable(at)gmail(dot)com
Sincerely, Denise Fletcher
Posted by denise fletcher.
July 21, 2011
Anyone who knows Marcel Proust or madeleines will connect the two, so I don't have to do join the dots for you. I haven't read the novel.

I tried, but I figure rather than run the marathon, I'd just show up at the finish line with a madeleine in my mouth, er.... half dipped in my cup of tea, and I'd get what the guy was going on, and on, and on........and ON about. And no, I'm not sure I do, but maybe it's because mine taste of pandan and take me to a whole other place ;)

Today I ha... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Sweet things
July 2, 2011
Last week I was in another country, and this may be out of place in a foodblog, but I always think the measure of a country is best judged by the state of its public loos. *Ahem* Every single public loo I was in last week was absolutely pristine and each commode had a multi function bidet attached! Without exception. In one mall washroom, there was an attendant who entered every cublicle the second it was vacated and spruced it up lightning quick before inviting the next person in line to en... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Sweet things
February 16, 2011
What do you do when you make the grave mistake of eating laksa lemak for three meals running, in the same day? You leisurely repent for two days after, that's what.

I love laksa lemak, but really, what was I thinking? All that coconut milk, richly pungent dried shrimp, masses of fried fish cake slices, heaps of fresh prawns and overly generous dollops of fiery chilli paste?!? My boy Joseph had requested laksa for lunch the day before and when a picky eater makes a request, you sit up and y... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Pasta
February 3, 2011
Hello lovely readers and friends! First order of business - A Very Happy Lunar New Year to all my Chinese readers and buddies or as we say around here " Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Bao Na Lai!!! "
I am very, very happy today, to be posting over at The Ardent Epicure, virtual home of one of my lovely bloggie buddies, Alisha. Thank you Alisha for your gracious and lovely invitation; it's an honour and a pleasure! Please head over to The Ardent Epicure to check out my post by clicking on the link below, ... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Breakfast
January 19, 2011
Well, hellooooooooo!! I'm ba-aaaack! I'd apologise for my absence, but I know you know I wouldn't disappear without good reason, and I have something for you that I hope will make up for my silence. I've actually been leaving a trail of links all over your blogs lovely friends, in your comments boxes, but alas, most of you did not bite the bait, so, I'm just going to have to come out and say it - I have amongst other things, been working on my new bread blog, other things still simmering on ... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Pasta
December 15, 2010
The challenge, for those who may not have been following developments here, was to prepare a noodle dish of your choice. It can be your unique twist on a classic like Mee Goreng, Pad Thai, Char Kway Teow, Laksa, Fettucine Alfredo, Chicken Noodle Soup, Bucatini all' Amatriciana, Mac and Cheese, Soba, Udon, …. or a concoction of your very own creation, making its debut here. Use any type of noodle or pasta and ingredient/s you wish. It can be vegetarian, vegan or piled with meat, fried in a w... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Giveaways
December 15, 2010
From Lazaro and myself, a big "Thank You" to everyone of the 19 bloggers who sent in entries to our challenge! As usual, there was no shortage of creativity, imaginative concepts and truly unique presentations, all of which make our decision only harder!! The contest is now closed and we will no longer be accepting entries.
Be sure to check this space again - we will be posting the line up of entries with photos and blog links on 15 Dec EST (16 Dec GMT+8) . Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Giveaways
December 14, 2010
Quickies Noodle Challenge Update : I am pleased to announce that we've now received 19 very interesting entries! Thank you very much and remember this is open to everyone, worldwide, so keep them coming! As this may be the last Quickies Challenge for a while, we really hope there will be a fantastic turnout. Of course, if you really want more challenges, let us know and we'll do our best to oblige! Send in as many entries as you like, just remember to get them in by midnight of Decembe... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Miscellaneous
November 29, 2010
Quickies Noodle Challenge Update : I am pleased to announce that we've now received 6 very interesting entries! Thank you very much and remember this is open to everyone, worldwide, so keep them coming! As this may be the last Quickies Challenge for a while, we really hope there will be a fantastic turnout. Of course, if you really want more challenges, let us know and we'll do our best to oblige! Send in as many entries as you like, just remember to get them in by midnight of December 14... Continue reading...
Posted by denise fletcher. Posted In : Salads, Vegetables and Meatless